
Sunday, March 20, 2005


To be or not to be...that is the question...perhaps the most important question one must ask themselves.

To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?

Yes, by opposing end them. Hamlet from my vantage point was certainly inquisative and somewhat lost while he made this statement, but also a very thoughtful, educated and purely intellegent man. Who is he speaking to here? The fair Ophelia as he later states, should remember his sins. He asks a question, then breaks it down, and finaly states his true desire to end 'them'. Is that not what we all are striving for, an end to the suffering or something to use to fight the struggle? To be or not to be? Hmmm... This is so very intriguing to me.

Hamlet entertains that there is some sort of option...and I agree to some extent. But one must consider that rather than being as in existence, I think the reference is comparable to say; a person's will to live. If they are being they are willing themselves through it, if they are not being there is no consious creation of personal circumstances and therefor no responcibility taken for ones woes.

I emplore the world! Just Be!

Then you get what you want, have the power to deal with what you don't want and...the wisdom to know the difference, all the while being exclusively responcible for your own personal perspective of it all. Half full or the opposite? I think it's hard to see things negativly once the ball is rolling. Like a statue from clay, molding and molding, and the more its molded, the more the beauty shines through and the more inspiration it brings to keep molding in whatever way one chooses. You are not just the clay, God is not only the hands...the two of you are connected and within one is the other. There is no separation. You get to mold the clay, be the clay, and make plans for the clay...all the while with full unending support from your higher self.

Go ahead, 'Just be' a masterpiece today!



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