
Thursday, December 01, 2005


I know it is coming. I doubt there are many that would dissagree that universaly something must change. There needs only be a small goup of individuals with enough hope to catch 'critical mass' and flow the planet into a new age unlike anything imagined.

The lion with the sliver in his paw is seeking out the mouse once again for help removing. The mouse, in the past has been squashed. The mouse, in the past has been tricked. The mouse, in the past has lost faith in trying to 'do unto others' because of his simple knowledge of the 'nature' of the lion to lash out at a small creature such as he. The mouse has learned. The mouse has transcended. This is the time that the lion asks for help and once again the mouse is willing to serve, but this time the mouse is different. No longer is the mouse helpless, he has power now. His power is not in numbers or out of control over the lion in any way, his power is his conviction. When the lion strikes at the mouse this time the mouse has the inner knowledge of his own power. He will be invincable. The lion will no longer have a 'nature' with which to attack the mouse because his deceptions will have been brought to true light. The lion is not separate from the mouse and will realise he but strikes himself. He will also realise that the sliver is not what it seems. All will be known to be connected, and seemlessely transcended

We will live together in the peace of the source of all things. How, I don't know. Don't know when either. Just know.



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