
Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Please do your part, grow wheatgrass!

W h e a t g r a s s

Have you discovered the benefits of wheatgrass?

*One ounce is nutritionally equal to 2-1/2 pounds of dark green fresh vegetables.

*70% chlorophyll : purifies the blood, detoxifies tissues and cells. it has a great amount of anti-oxydants.

*naturally suppresses appetite by fulfilling nutritional requirements.

*promotes alertness & eliminates fatigue - ideal for drivers of automobiles, students before exams. provides mental awareness, without caffeine.

*wheatgrass is a high source of non-meat protein that is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

*athletes notice significant improvement in performance, energy and stamina.

*wheatgrass juice can be consumed in 1 or 2 ounce shots, or added to you favorite smoothie, fruit or veggie juice.

Nutrition Comparison

Fresh Wheatgrass juice has these nutritional components:
Same amount of Calcium of cow’s milk
Half the Iron of spinach
Four times the B1 of whole wheat flour
Equivalent to Vitamin C in oranges
Excellent source of B12, needed for vegetarian diets
Ounce per ounce equal to the Protein in beef

I'm gonna start a tray and share it with everyone who visits my place. It's the least I can do.



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