
Friday, March 10, 2006

What do you know for sure?

There is a difference, don’t ask me to ultimately define it, between information and knowledge. From my vantage point, I see that reading is exciting and informative. The place where the words spark a remembering inside of you of an emotional state is when one is open to knowledge. Knowledge cannot be argued, it is synonymous with
Truth. We all have our own truths and what we think are our understandings of them are.

“Insecurity can mean lack of self-knowledge: I am not secure with myself–I can’t rely on myself–I don’t know how I operate. I am insecure to the degree I keep parts of myself hidden from myself.
Or insecurity can mean I know how I operate but don’t think it’s good enough. When I find myself trying to figure out beforehand how I should act (that is, planning it out), this shows me I lack respect for the way I am–I can’t be trusted to be perfect and so I have to make rules. Otherwise I just might slip and be a human being.” Notes to Myself – Hugh Prather

Do you go around acting like yourself? Do you seek answers to questions from elsewhere, when you know the truth lies within your personal being. Do you know things about yourself and your world that you disregard because others simply don’t share your vision? Are you aware of your purpose? Do you have one besides maintaining the image you have built up of yourself?

Just let go. Every one is perfect, but every body makes mistakes. If one knows that they are perfect then in hindsight the perceived mistakes truthfully shape their reality. It is ones perception of reality being not parallel with their material desire, that can leave one feeling like a failure or ‘not good enough’.

I’ll tell you right now, I know you are good enough. So am I and everyone else we consider a human being. When you wake up in the morning and lie in bed thinking, and unconsciously throughout your day make decisions from a place of insecurity, you literally create your image of self and the outside world as insecure. How can one depend on a reality based on illusion? We are not alone, this is truth. I am here to help and so is everyone else who is being truthful to any extent.

The future holds a place in my mind where we are working together for common goals rather than working neutraly in order to re-inforce the system of which there are daily victims. We have the power now and always have, to make change. Only this time it can be easier because we have so much help…and we know the truth. Quit pretending we don’t.



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