
Thursday, November 30, 2006

Brought to you by the number 3...

I am happy to share a link to something created with the type of thinking that can change the world literally. I'm in. Feeding kids!

Please follow this link and my feeing count will go up!!! LOL perhaps if we make charity competitive it will take off like wild fire. The world is a playing ground, lets just keep it safe and hospitable people.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Happy Remembrance Day, for a change!

Today being remberance day I am moved to sadness that we are trying to say that our troops are 'fighting' for any of the same reasons thier forfathers fought for. The world has changed exponentially. Why must we continue to live in the past? Know why? Cause thats where the money is...aparently, or the motivation to 'do' something in order to change reality. The reality that our government is preparing for a future where our personl freedoms are at risk is illusion. A lie. Brought to you by living in the past and fear of the future. The truthful reality is all is well, as it should be. However we are going to be constantly asked and prodded to contribute money or even our lives to prepare the way for...who? Our children will surely live in a better place if we simply live an example of truth. Put down the guns and finally realise that our only protection is in our innocence. The innocence we are all born with along with our freedom, two things no person, act of nature or even plague can really revoke from our being. Peace on Earth.

Please watch this short clip about how to simplify your perseption of this world and thereby see it more truthfully. There is a formula everyone, however you are free to 'do' it any way that feels good to you! Perceiving Reality
