
Friday, March 31, 2006

You must witness this!

Perhaps for any stranger to Quantum Physics this may be like jumping to the last page in a book...however this story we are uncovering is continually adding pages to the back of the book. If this is overwhelming or simply inconcievable, perhaps one should begin (always with open mindedness) with viewing 'What the Bleep do we Know?'

This video portrays something called 'The Double Slit Experiment'. I don't know about anyone else, but simply knowing this seemingly impossible information, is changing how I go about everything in my waking life. Matter is certainly solid enough to us, but whats to say that we cannot increase our creative power and decrease our destructive power simply by becoming conscious of said power.

Double Slit Experiment: Quicktime or Windows Media Player

Please do the world a favor and be conscious, not only of your actions but how simply being present and aware changes the very makeup of your world.


Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just wanted to share this message.

Taken from an e-newsletter I recieved from Rav Berg from

Rav Ashlag, founder of The Kabbalah Centre, explains in The Gift of the Bible that the essence of sacrifice is self sacrifice. He writes about the concept of love your neighbor as yourself and states that, if we really applied it, we would constantly be running around attending to others’ needs: Does Martha need help with her mortgage payment this month? Is Bob in need of some cheering up? Who’s feeding all these homeless people?

If the entire world were doing exactly this, we would have so many people caring for us that we wouldn’t have to think about ourselves for a single moment…

…ahhhh…sweet relief….

Back to reality. In the year 2006, this sort of communist utopia is not a reality. Not yet at least. The dream of the Kabbalists is that one day a critical mass will be achieved whereby our self-serving desires will be turned into the desire to serve our friends, our co-workers, our community. Here at The Centre, we’re working 24 hours a day to awaken ourselves and the world to this reality. We by no means overlook the modern state of affairs. We know the score. But we refuse to give up the dream.

When you get down to it, acts of selflessness and sacrifice are the only things that will remove the tremendous negativity from our beings and from this planet.

I can't freakin wait for this. I want to do this now....the more I simplify my life the more I may get there....maybe I will start my own Extreme Kindness Team. Any joiners?


Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Now seriously, not so seriously!

Slow down. Play a little. Make some music even if you don't know how. Love yourself.

Harmony Horses


Monday, March 27, 2006

Have you payed it forward?

We all know the movie Pay it Forward. It's been a while now since it was in theatres. Do you think people forgot the idea that one simple act of kindness can change the world. Answer is No. There are many organisations and support groups for just such thinking. I intend to do what I can to continue the process.

A good place to start is Extreme

Rather than blabber on about how we should and could. I'm going to go off about my day and dream about it all.


Thursday, March 23, 2006

What we can do for Peace to happen

Peace is very possible. Can you conceive it? If not, then you are part of the problem. You are actively standing in the path to peace. I do not fault you for this because you know no better. In my experience western everything; government and politics, education and society, our history of war and our seemingly peaceful existence within these borders we call the Americas. Sadly I have been witness to (however things are changing) many personal philosophies of helplessness. "I'm here and the problem is there, what can I do?", "I can barely keep my rent and food on the table, how can I send money to them?" and the most selfish of all "I am but one person, I cannot make a difference". If you or someone you know is somewhat distraught about the current world situation, whatever they perceive it to be, then I will offer some relief here in the form of a simple change of mind (and heart).

The 'road-block' people I speak of are my brothers and sisters. I know they are as capable as I am to simply put my attention on something and leave it in the hands of the universe. There are Billions of people on this earth.

There was a group of students in an auditorium. The Principle walked in. When the students were finally silent, the lights suddenly went off. Sitting in complete darkness, the Principle with authority shouted over the clamor "Everyone please raise your hands". Thinking this a simple technique to calm people in such a situation many students raised their hands. Some students thought, in this darkness no one can know if I'm not doing it too. As seconds passed and eyes became adjusted the principle once again said "Please, everyone raise your hands in the air." Now that most could see each other and their choices, many more were inclined to join in the request. Then the Principle began to point and motion to the remaining skeptics to participate. Just as the last student raised their hand, 'Pop' the lights came back on. The Principle then said "See everyone, many hands make light work."

When one person sits in their own helplessness, refusing to see that they can make a difference with but a simple choice to stand out of the way of change, they tend to feel like everyone is attacking them on their standpoint. This is a time to reflect on one's standpoint, surely if you are 'Against War' then you are powerless to stop it because it is such a widespread issue. If rather, as has been growing in past years, you turn your head and simply be FOR peace or anything for that matter you will find there is much less resistance. This is not the way because it is easier and in most ways it is not easier, this is the way because even if all of the world stopped warring Peace would still have to be an acquired mentality. Instead, the only logical step is to take the biggest step first, literally placing the whole mission or desire on another path that involves no fighting both outwardly and inwardly.

Peace is waiting, we simply need to give it a chance.

By the way, if you purchase music, do it here. Thanks.


Friday, March 10, 2006

What do you know for sure?

There is a difference, don’t ask me to ultimately define it, between information and knowledge. From my vantage point, I see that reading is exciting and informative. The place where the words spark a remembering inside of you of an emotional state is when one is open to knowledge. Knowledge cannot be argued, it is synonymous with
Truth. We all have our own truths and what we think are our understandings of them are.

“Insecurity can mean lack of self-knowledge: I am not secure with myself–I can’t rely on myself–I don’t know how I operate. I am insecure to the degree I keep parts of myself hidden from myself.
Or insecurity can mean I know how I operate but don’t think it’s good enough. When I find myself trying to figure out beforehand how I should act (that is, planning it out), this shows me I lack respect for the way I am–I can’t be trusted to be perfect and so I have to make rules. Otherwise I just might slip and be a human being.” Notes to Myself – Hugh Prather

Do you go around acting like yourself? Do you seek answers to questions from elsewhere, when you know the truth lies within your personal being. Do you know things about yourself and your world that you disregard because others simply don’t share your vision? Are you aware of your purpose? Do you have one besides maintaining the image you have built up of yourself?

Just let go. Every one is perfect, but every body makes mistakes. If one knows that they are perfect then in hindsight the perceived mistakes truthfully shape their reality. It is ones perception of reality being not parallel with their material desire, that can leave one feeling like a failure or ‘not good enough’.

I’ll tell you right now, I know you are good enough. So am I and everyone else we consider a human being. When you wake up in the morning and lie in bed thinking, and unconsciously throughout your day make decisions from a place of insecurity, you literally create your image of self and the outside world as insecure. How can one depend on a reality based on illusion? We are not alone, this is truth. I am here to help and so is everyone else who is being truthful to any extent.

The future holds a place in my mind where we are working together for common goals rather than working neutraly in order to re-inforce the system of which there are daily victims. We have the power now and always have, to make change. Only this time it can be easier because we have so much help…and we know the truth. Quit pretending we don’t.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I have a dream

Ok. I thought to myself this evening, 'how could I step closer to my dreams?'. Surprised, I got 'TAKE A STEP' yeah Im gonna start another blog (omg not another!) posting my progress and information regarding my dream. When I say dream I mean literal dream, both waking and sleeping. This thing keeps coming back to me over and over and I've never even tried it. If you know me, you have probably heard me speak of it. Zorbing!

What might you ask is Zorbing? Well as you can see the word to the left is a link to the answer. Check it out.

By and by I've pressed my mind to the thought of organising something like this, I am on a first name basis with the creator and president of the company. I do intend to take a trip overseas to simply meet with him and take a ride. This is a huge aspiration of mine. So much so that if someone else brought it here first I would be thrilled and offer my help. It looks like so much fun, society needs this kinda stuff. Only trouble is I need about 500,000.00. Yeah, Super 7 anyone?


Monday, March 06, 2006

Sanctuary Much

"What we believe we create. What we think we create. What we feel we create. What do you feel? What do you think? What do you believe? May you create a beautiful life and a beautiful world......" Quote from

If everything is Energy...Anything is possible. Just a simple transfer of frequency can change anything. This organisation is developing ground breaking scientific cures for energetic FREQEUNCY imbalances. They do not cure conventional diseases the way you could compare to your doctor. There is a book called Sanctuary The Path to Consciousness, I have read it and was greatly affected by it. Quantum Physics is explaining so much about this world that we have not understood for so long. Consciousness is key.


Thursday, March 02, 2006

Now that is patience

"I will keep still and wait like the night with starry vigil and its head bent low with patience."
Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore

Please note that it is global Water Day on Wednesday March 22. Simply be conscious of it. If you have not already checked Dr Emoto's site. You must:

Have you thanked your water lately?


Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Dollars vs. Air

A nice little message I saw somewhere...can't recall exactly where. Re-read it today and felt the overwhelming need to share it.

ON PROSPERITY: In the morning when you wake up, none of you stand out on your porch frantically breathing in because you are afraid that later in the day there will be a scarcity of air. You breathe in and you breathe out and think nothing of it. What we want to get you to understand is that it is the same thing with dollars (or anything else), there is no need to go out and hold your breath in an attempt to hold on to the air in case there is a later lack. You are all MUCH closer to a financial fortune right now than you are even willing to dream about for fear that you will be disappointed if it does not come.


Please do your part, grow wheatgrass!

W h e a t g r a s s

Have you discovered the benefits of wheatgrass?

*One ounce is nutritionally equal to 2-1/2 pounds of dark green fresh vegetables.

*70% chlorophyll : purifies the blood, detoxifies tissues and cells. it has a great amount of anti-oxydants.

*naturally suppresses appetite by fulfilling nutritional requirements.

*promotes alertness & eliminates fatigue - ideal for drivers of automobiles, students before exams. provides mental awareness, without caffeine.

*wheatgrass is a high source of non-meat protein that is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

*athletes notice significant improvement in performance, energy and stamina.

*wheatgrass juice can be consumed in 1 or 2 ounce shots, or added to you favorite smoothie, fruit or veggie juice.

Nutrition Comparison

Fresh Wheatgrass juice has these nutritional components:
Same amount of Calcium of cow’s milk
Half the Iron of spinach
Four times the B1 of whole wheat flour
Equivalent to Vitamin C in oranges
Excellent source of B12, needed for vegetarian diets
Ounce per ounce equal to the Protein in beef

I'm gonna start a tray and share it with everyone who visits my place. It's the least I can do.
