
Wednesday, December 29, 2004


So I am now an official Uncle...I can barely contain myself! Please read my Niece's Blog at Brooklyn The Niece of Steel. She is absolutely georgeous and a welcome new member to what we call the Club of Life.

Speaking of life, I just tatooed Life in latin "Spiritus" on my right arm, "Veritas" for Truth on my left. On my back is a Yin Yang with Trigrams for heaven and earth above and below. That was a fun 3 and a half hours. Wow!

I am super happy with the design and the good job done by Glen at New Moon Tattoo in Orleans. He is truly talented and much appreciated for his good work! I am very happy to say that I think I'll keep these ones!

Yes, they hurt. But well worth it, and I have Reiki so I'm sure to heal fast. It's a good thing I don't have to work for 5 days!

Happy New Years All!!!


Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Be Back Soon!

So very sorry, I've been so busy I couldn't post here in much too long.

I'm expecting my wee super-niece any moment now. So therefor I will probably be away for another little while ;). I wanna wish a Merry Merry Happy Christmas & New Year to everyone I know and don't know. 2005 I know will be bringing much to the world. I'm excited!!!

Here is a wicked set of flash games I love to waste time on. Yetisports!!! Many are familiar with them of course, but for those who havent been introduced... (just click on online games)

"Your work is to keep looking at [or visualizing] what you want and find a way to feel good when you look at it."


Really think about that for a sec.

All the best!
