Happy Easter
Blessed be he, who died for me on the cross
A man of inspiration and enormous quality
An example of the power of creation that lives in us all
A gift to us to help us take the step we all are wishing to take
Jesus, my friend
This is Easter, a time (for Christians) to reflect upon the end (or beginning) of the life of a man that is said to be the son of God. Skeptical of this I am not, I believe we are all from God. Jesus was a man that truly lived. The books we call the bible tell us of his unbelievable miracles, undying faith and most loving nature. This is the apitimy of a good example for others, something we all strive for on different levels of consiousness.
I attended church this morning. I have for many years, however irregular. Church is a nessesity in this world...but only for those who believe it is what they need to find what they are searching for. Church makes it easier to picture Jesus in closer proximity to us, for Christians. Buddhist's to Buddha at the Temple. Muslims to Mohomad. Jew's to almighty God. If this is what you need or feel is lacking in your life I emplore you to visit a church, talk with the people there, read some books there, partake in traditions or customs there. Learn.
There is a very important ideal I try to re-affirm to myself on a daily basis.
I can win, I can succeed and achieve, I can be everything I want to be and therefore be victorious.
...But not at the loosing of another, for when my winning is at the cost of someone outside myself, then the victory that cannot be had is outside of me.
Winning is synonomous with "Right" or to have a belief system, as carried by organised religion. There is a large problem, even a misconception, of modern day religions (although it only exists with those who choose to express it and those who listen). "My God is the right God".
When a person is born into a family they usually are brought up with a specific belief system. This is fundamental for creating values and moralistic reasoning. Although usually laced with fear of sin, we learn there is a God who loves us and is watching over us. Each religion to varying extents humanises their personal God in hopes of understanding or 'winning'. We all know the winning scenario is to ascend to heaven and live happily ever after right?
Would you be willing to sacrafice that place in heaven you have worked so dilligently to create?
What if your sacrafice made it possible for every other person on earth to enter into heaven?
Would it be worthwile?
Is your love for others stronger than your fear of a fiery, painful, never ending torture in the pits of hell?
It should be, because that love for others is real. The rest is speculation.
Jesus knew this. Jesus lived. Jesus died. He lives now in you, weather you know it or not. He is history and religion. As was Buddha, Muhammad, and countless other real people from humanity's history. Take the opportunity to learn from them. Talk about them. Learn from their examples and apply that living to your life, whatever parts ring true with you and make you shine brighter. Perhaps even visit a building that has dedicated energy for those people. But remember the person reveared is also in you, and thats easier to bring with you than a building, a token or even a book.
A man of inspiration and enormous quality
An example of the power of creation that lives in us all
A gift to us to help us take the step we all are wishing to take
Jesus, my friend
This is Easter, a time (for Christians) to reflect upon the end (or beginning) of the life of a man that is said to be the son of God. Skeptical of this I am not, I believe we are all from God. Jesus was a man that truly lived. The books we call the bible tell us of his unbelievable miracles, undying faith and most loving nature. This is the apitimy of a good example for others, something we all strive for on different levels of consiousness.
I attended church this morning. I have for many years, however irregular. Church is a nessesity in this world...but only for those who believe it is what they need to find what they are searching for. Church makes it easier to picture Jesus in closer proximity to us, for Christians. Buddhist's to Buddha at the Temple. Muslims to Mohomad. Jew's to almighty God. If this is what you need or feel is lacking in your life I emplore you to visit a church, talk with the people there, read some books there, partake in traditions or customs there. Learn.
There is a very important ideal I try to re-affirm to myself on a daily basis.
I can win, I can succeed and achieve, I can be everything I want to be and therefore be victorious.
...But not at the loosing of another, for when my winning is at the cost of someone outside myself, then the victory that cannot be had is outside of me.
Winning is synonomous with "Right" or to have a belief system, as carried by organised religion. There is a large problem, even a misconception, of modern day religions (although it only exists with those who choose to express it and those who listen). "My God is the right God".
When a person is born into a family they usually are brought up with a specific belief system. This is fundamental for creating values and moralistic reasoning. Although usually laced with fear of sin, we learn there is a God who loves us and is watching over us. Each religion to varying extents humanises their personal God in hopes of understanding or 'winning'. We all know the winning scenario is to ascend to heaven and live happily ever after right?
Would you be willing to sacrafice that place in heaven you have worked so dilligently to create?
What if your sacrafice made it possible for every other person on earth to enter into heaven?
Would it be worthwile?
Is your love for others stronger than your fear of a fiery, painful, never ending torture in the pits of hell?
It should be, because that love for others is real. The rest is speculation.
Jesus knew this. Jesus lived. Jesus died. He lives now in you, weather you know it or not. He is history and religion. As was Buddha, Muhammad, and countless other real people from humanity's history. Take the opportunity to learn from them. Talk about them. Learn from their examples and apply that living to your life, whatever parts ring true with you and make you shine brighter. Perhaps even visit a building that has dedicated energy for those people. But remember the person reveared is also in you, and thats easier to bring with you than a building, a token or even a book.