
Friday, April 07, 2006

Imagine, imagine, you can imagine...thats all that is being action

"The ancestor to every action is a thought."

"You become what you think about"

Now knowing these two statements above, read the familiar below and simply see it as possible. No need to go outside and make it happen right now because it already is. If you know this, if you feel this, if you want this; then all you must do is accept it into your being. From that moment on you will act upon your knowledge of this image that is produced by your imagination but is not separate from your intention. It will then become reality as it must.

"Imagine there's no heaven, It's easy if you try, No hell below us, Above us only sky, Imagine all the people living for today...

Imagine there's no countries, It isn't hard to do, Nothing to kill or die for, No religion too, Imagine all the people living life in peace...

Imagine no possessions, I wonder if you can, No need for greed or hunger, A brotherhood of men, imagine all the people Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one, I hope some day you'll join us, And the world will live as one.."

He certainly was not the only one, and now seems to be but a drop in a bucket. Soon we will call the ones who choose to see impossibilities as the dreamers because we will know that it is what we put our attention on that manifests into this world.

Peace for all ways and people


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